Achievements so far...
We've achieved a lot over the last 2 years since we first started out doing a Litter Pick along Scotland Lane in March 2o21, including becoming a constituted group in May of the same year. Take a look at what has kept us busy and at some of what we have achieved in that time.

Became a constituted not-for-profit group
This means we have 4 committee members, a constitution to guide us, group insurance, and a group bank account enabling us to apply for grants.

​Gathered all information on the reservoir area
From maps old and new, land registry details and deeds, to historical and environmental data - you name it we've got it!

Made links with key council departments.
From Parks, Waste Management, Highways, Kier and the Public Rights of Way Team, we've met with them all and know which patch belongs to each of them.

Made links with key organisations
From St Leonard's, Newman University, Severn Trent, and The Sailing Club, to St Michael's School, and Andrew Simpson Charity Watersports Centre we're all agreed we want more for the reservoir!

Removed historical fly-tipping from Bromwich Wood
With Ranger support from the Parks Team we undertook two big clean up events to remove historical fly-tipping. This was followed up by 15 litter picks by a total of 34 volunteers!

Created our own Woodland Management Group
Led by the Park Rangers and made up of local volunteers we have opened up entrances, created better lines of sight, and removed a lot of holly so people feel safer entering and exploring the woods. Runs from September-March.

Confirmed a legal circular footpath around the reservoir
Working with the Highways Authority we learnt there was a legal route through Severn Trent land made up of Public Rights of Way and Easements by Prescription. This includes an off-road pathway to the back of St Leonard's Church.

Secured the removal of obstructions to pathways
Following legal processes we have secured the removal of a wall at Bartley Crescent and a large iron gate at Genners Lane that were obstructing our Public Rights of Way.

Created additional 'permissive pathway' entrances and routes.
Severn Trent agreed to a permissive pathway from Merritt's Hill helping residents avoid walking down Frankley Lane. They also support off-road public access across their land to get from Frankley Lane/Scotland Lane junction to the back of St Leonard's.

Made the area more accessible for all.
Working with the Highways Authority we learnt there was a legal route through Severn Trent land made up of Public Rights of Way and Easements by Prescription. This includes an off-road pathway to the back of St Leonard's Church.

Made the area more connected.
Following a successful grant application we secured £15,000 for 5 fingerposts, and and 5 benches now installed around the reservoir to connect the various pieces of land with different owners as one. They will now encourage people to explore the reservoir knowing they are permitted to and relax on the benches.

Attracted investment
The best thing about a site having a 'friends of' group is that we can champion the site, and draw attention to things that need addressing. As of October 2022 we had attracted £37,677 worth of investment to the reservoir area including £15,000 for Benches and Fingerposts, £10,000 of work's undertaken by Severn Trent, and £10,000 worth of volunteer hours.

Created this website!
​We wanted to share everything we know about Bartley Reservoir and its heritage with the Bartley Green community so everyone can explore and enjoy. Everything about the reservoir and it's surrounding green spaces can be found there including what to do around the reservoir and it's heritage.

Created our social media presence
Our media presence is important to let people know we're here, what we're about, and how they can get involved. You can follow us and keep an eye out for events and updates about us and the reservoir's green spaces.

Created a pathway to membership
We want residents to feel part of a community as well as a cause, and so we have created a membership option to encourage regular volunteering and greater involvement. Membership includes greater say, voting rights, and a quarterly e-newsletter.

Resa-Rocks ; our painted pebbles project
These were placed all around the reservoir for people to find, and to also place their own creations for others to find. This is ongoing and anyone can take part.