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Get Involved
Local Residents Coming Together to Make Things Better.
At Friends of Bartley Reservoir we are in our second year of being formed and have already made great strides! Our first year was very much focused on understanding who owns what, and who is responsible for what bit of land, around the reservoir. We brought local people, organisations, and council departments together to address the historical rubbish and fly-tipping that blighted the area and woods, and worked to establish the maintenance of all the reservoir's surrounding green spaces.
At every stage volunteers are needed to make it all happen; from the committee itself, to designing and printing promotional leaflets and then leafletting houses; from social media promotions, to painting rock art; from picking up litter to cutting back holly to improve pathway access. No matter how little, or how active you wish to be, there is a way for everyone to contribute and be part of the collective effort to establish the green spaces around the reservoir as 'ours' to be protected, enhanced, and enjoyed.
In addition to the above we work to progress over arching aims and objectives such as improving access to the reservoir for all, adding basic infrastructure like bins, entrances, benches, kissing gates, and signposts; establishing the maintenance of all the reservoir's green spaces, and of course we fundraise and put together grants applications to achieve this. A successful outcome is only possible with locals giving their time at every step. Everything is possible, but nothing happens without people giving their time to make it so. Come along and be part of something great that will leave a legacy for generations to come.