It's all in a name...
Farming is a huge part of our reservoir heritage but also very much part of current life. The area surrounding Bartley Reservoir to the West and South is still largely farmed land, with Park Farm and Egghill Farm being the two farms that have acquired most of the land from other farmers as time has passed. Egghill Farm has been managed by Brian and Margaret Charles since 1974; they both come from farming families in Staffordshire but moved here and have been part of the community ever since. Both Egghill Farm and Park Farm mainly are arable and cattle (sheep and cows) farms.
The area surrounding the reservoir was once a patchwork of many small farms that slowly disappeared with Scotland Farm on Scotland Lane and Westminster Farm on Church Hill still standing but are no longer working farms. However, all has not been totally erased and the history of the people and the land that was here before remain in the names of the streets and areas surrounding the reservoirs. The Severn Trent field opposite the sailing club is known to the council as Genners Farm Field where Genners Farm once stood. There are many other street names nearby that are named after the location of previous farms such as Bangham Pit Farm Road and Ley Hill Farm Road.
As the city expanded into the rural areas near the reservoir, local people found ways of naming places according to geographical features to orientate themselves and direct others. Immediately around the reservoir there were small Fields, Moors, Hills, and Churches that became Field Lane, Moors Lane, and Church Hill. Looking just a few roads away the trend continues with Roundlea Road, with 'Lea' being a piece of land for pasture. Another, is Woodcock Hill and Woodcock Lane (Woodcocks being a group of wading birds) that were once known to be abundant in these areas. Lastly, Long Nuke Road was originally called Long Nook which describes a lengthy hidden or secluded spot, where a stream used to run down where the road now stands.
Can you think of any other street names or areas that reflect our farming or rural heritage?