Route Suggestions
The fast and flat route
2.1 miles/3.3kms
A fantastic simple loop of the reservoir that stays close to the perimeter fence giving 360 degree views. It goes through Bartley Meadows, turns left onto Scotland Lane in front of Bromwich Wood, and goes through Severn Trent land following public footpaths. The terrain is mixed with grassland, farm land, dirt tracks, road, and pavement walking, The paths are dry in summer but can be muddy after rain so old shoes or boots are recommended at those times.
Orange Line: Route.
Green Line: Alternative Disability Route.
Green Line: Alternative Disability Route.
Greet Dot: RADAR Disability Accessible Gate.
The gentle and scenic route
2.6 miles/4.1kms
The best route to take in all the key points around the reservoir's edge. You will go through Bartley Meadows at the higher pathway for easy beautiful views, before crossing the playIng field and walking through Bromwich Wood and joining onto Scotland Lane.
At the junction cross over into the grass and take the off-road route to the back of the picturesque St Leonard's Church. Return back to the junction and follow the perimetre fence towards Genners Lane. The terrain is mixed with grassland, farmland, dirt tracks, road and pavement walking.
Orange Line: Route.
Green Line: Alternative Disability Route.
Green Dot: RADAR Disability Accessible Gate.
Yellow Dot: Gates (not disability accessible)
The far and wide route
5.6 miles/9kms
A route for the more adventurous and more able that explores pathways that you might not even know exist! The reservoir is set in a valley and this route gives you the best experience of that whilst mostly walking around the valley's rim.
From the church to Frankley Beeches is a steady incline and the first section can be very muddy after rain, as can
the section behind Frankley Reservoir, but this isn't an issue in the summer and the effort will be worth it!
A mixed terrain of dirt trails, grassland, wild grassland, woodland, fields, road and pavement. Be sure to take extra care along the narrow country lanes of Church Hill and Frankley Lane.​
Orange Line: Route.
Dotted Orange Line: Alternative Route Option.
Green Line: Alternative Disability Route.
Green Dot: RADAR Disability Accessible Gates.
Yellow Dot: Gates: (Not Disability Accessible).
Red Dots: Stiles/Not Disability Accessible.